Sunday 8 November 2015

Avril Lavigne, The Best Damn Thing - Magazine advert analysis

Avril Lavigne is an artist of the pop punk/ pop rock genre. This magazine advert is to advertise her album called 'the best damn thing'. The image on the front of this magazine advert is the same image that is on the album front cover as well as her name and album title is put on the image in the same way that that it is on the album (positioning and font of it). The purpose for this is so that when people see this magazine advertisement they will remember this image and when looking to buy the album in shops they will know what they are looking for because they have seen what the front cover looks like before.


At the top of this magazine advert the name of the artist Avril Lavigne is in capital letters and in a black simple font. This is centrally positioned at the top of the page and stands out. The reason for the block capital letters is so that it promoted her as an artist and that people know who's Album it is that they are seeing advertised. Although she is in the genre pop rock/punk, the genre of rock and punk are less recognised than mainstream pop and therefore some people will not automatically know who she is as an artist so her name is being made to stand out to promote her more. This text is in black writing which is to make it stand out more as it is on a white background. Underneath the artists name the title of the album 'the best damn thing' is in lower case text and is in a pink box. As the album title is in white text the pink surrounding it makes it stand out more. The reason it is in lower case text is to make it different from everything else that is on the advert because all the other text is in upper case. This makes it stand out just because it is different which promotes the album however by the fact that it says at the bottom 'includes the single girlfriend' it shows that although the album name has a song with that name in the album the most popular song that people wanted to buy was girlfriend so the magazine advert is really trying to push to the target market that this song is included in this album and that they should buy this album.

At the bottom of this magazine advert it says 'April 16th' in a bigger font size to the rest and the text is in white. By having the text in white it stands out more. This is because it is the release date of the album and it is trying to convince the people who read this advert to buy the album. As this magazine advert will have been published before the actual release it will get fans to perhaps pre-order the album or want to go out on the release date and buy this album. At the very bottom of the page it has Avril Lavigne's official website being advertised. The reason that this is put on the bottom of the magazine advert is so that for people who would like to know more about the artist or know a lot but would like to find out more information such as the tour dates and look at what music she is currently working on/ her previous music this is a way they can keep informed. By having this web address on here it promotes the artist as a whole and not just this album and may help to increase sales of things such as concert tickets.


On this magazine advert in the top left hand corner there is a pink heart with bones going through it. Avril Lavigne was known for being a skate punk. The bones connote death and as they are going through a pink love heart it suggests that there is a death to love and maybe that Avril Lavigne's songs that are in this album may be about heartbreak and the break up of a relationship she has hate. Skate punk is often associated with aggressive sound and the bones go with this as maybe Lavigne is to blame for the bones appearing (the heartbreak). Pink is used throughout this magazine advert on the heart, it is surrounding the title of the album, Avril Lavigne has it in her hair and there are little pink stars as well as the whole bottom of the magazine advert being filled in pink. This pink is here to show Avril Lavigne's feminine side as well because people see punk and rock as stereotypically manly and depressing with dark colours as people often use black to show their expressions and emotion in this genre, so Avril Lavigne has tried to change this slightly, however she has shown this dark side to her so that people know her genre by wearing a lot of black eye make up in this photo and a black top and a white shirt with black spots on it. The white shirt with black spots connote that she may appear ok on the outside but the black is starting to cover her up and she is starting to show this emotion. The black also shows her rebellious side as it is very stereotypical for punk/ rock artists to rebel against the norms in society which she is already known for as an artist. The fact that Lavigne has blonde hair seems strange for her genre of music as most rock artists have black hair to follow a theme and this is what makes her stand out as an artist which is shown in this magazine advert that she doesn't just follow what she is expected to do in her genre as she has pink,white and blonde hair on this magazine advert. Her facial expression has negative connotations which supports the genre as it shows her emotion

Overall analysing this magazine advert has been useful for me because it shows me that I should put the release date of the album on the magazine and the artists name and webpage as well as the album name. Also I can look at this magazine advert and decide whether to use a mix of generic conventions to suit my artists genre or to go against them as Avril Lavigne has used conventions for and against her genre.

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