Monday 9 November 2015

Tom Odell, Long Way Down - Magazine advert analysis

As the music video I am going to be producing is for one of Tom Odell's songs called 'Grow Old With Me' and I am going to be creating a magazine advert, it is going to be useful analysing one of his magazine adverts so that I can perhaps take inspiration from it as the genre is the same. Tom Odell is an Indie pop artist who is promoting his album 'Long Way Down' in this magazine advert.

At the top of this album the text says 'Tom Odell' in capital letters. This is in capital letters to make it stand out so that he is promoted as an artist and people can see whose album is about to be promoted on this magazine advert. Tom Odell's name is also in brown text on this magazine advert which is a completely different colour to what the rest of the text is in on this magazine advert as that is white. By having his name in another colour to the other text it makes him stand out which promoted him as an artist and not just this current album of his. Straight underneath the his name is the name of the album called 'Long Way Down'. This title is also in capital letters to make it stand out and to promote the album. As in the photo on this magazine advert Tom Odell is standing to the right there is empty space on the left side of the photo. Here it says 'Brit awards 2013, the debut album from the Brits choice award winner 2013'.  This is also all in capital letters to make it stand out to the audience who are reading this magazine advert to encourage them to buy the album. This is because it says how good the British public think Tom Odell's album is because they voted it to win at the Brits awards. By having some kind of famous show on this magazine advert it shows that although he is an indie pop artist that there is an element of pop and that people do like his music and therefore they should buy his album as other members of the British audience like him.

Tom Odell is standing in a cobbled street on the photo of himself used on this magazine advert. This is a simple, free, setting to fit the low budget theme of an indie pop album. This is because the marketing side of promoting this artist is on a low budget. The photo has a shot looking all the way down a street but the other side of the street is slightly out of focus/ blurred. This goes with the name 'Long Way Down' and maybe there is a long road to go down his path of life. This will encourage people who want to listen to meaningful music talking about someone's life to buy the album. I think this long street has connotations of what the song is about. In this photo Tom Odell is wearing a dark green jacket and blue shirt, his has also got scruffy hair and is not surrounded by materialistic items. This is a generic convention of indie pop artists as they often wear dark clothing and are not trying to be someone they are not by wearing designer clothing having groomed hair etc. This is the same photo that Tom Odell used for his actual album cover and buy using it again in his magazine advert he is promoting the album because there is a recognisable image. This means that once they have seen the magazine advert it will be easier for people to see it in shops or find it online as they know what the album itself looks like.

By analysing Tom Odell's magazine advert it will be useful for me when creating my magazine advert for a Tom Odell single because I understand the generic conventions that suits the genre and that it is a good idea to use the same image for the digipak and the magazine advert. I also now know that positioning of the text is important and the colour, font and whether it is in upper or lower case letters.

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