Tuesday 10 November 2015

Magazine advert idea

Why I chose the image used on the magazine advert

For my magazine advert idea I decided to have the same photo as I used for the front cover of the digipak. This is because once people have seen this magazine advert it will be easy to identify in shops what the digipak itself looks like because there is the same recognisable image.  I decided to put a photo of the artist and their girlfriend having a picnic at the park on it. They are looking at each other laughing whilst sitting down on their picnic blanket. The reason I decided to have this photo as the magazine advert is because I want the magazine advert and the digipak front cover to follow the narrative of the music video and not just be about the single itself. This helps promote the artist and their music video and therefore promotes the single. As Tom Odell is Indie Pop, the location of this photo for the magazine advert being in the park supports the low budget settings that Indie music often has for their music videos, digipak photos and magazine advert photo locations as the marketing of the artist will be on a low budget. Therefore to make all three of these promotional items relate so that people keep the single in their mind they can think of this photo as it would be used in all three.


On the top right hand side of the magazine advert it has the artists name 'Tom Odell' on it. At the bottom of the magazine advert the single title 'Grow Old With Me' is written on. The typography will be in a simple font where the words 'Tom Odell' will be in capital letters to make it look bold and stand out to the target market, this is also written in the same way on my idea for a digipak so when the target audience see the single released in shops they will automatically see the artists name. The name of the single will be in the same font but only the first letter of each word will be in capitals. This is because it looks better.

Just above the name of the single 'Grow Old with Me' there will be the information regarding when the digipak/ single will be released and in what way you will be able to buy it including CD, Digital and on iTunes. The reason I put a release date on the magazine advert is because people who are big fans of Tom Odell may want to buy this single straight away when it is released or even pre order it. The reason I have put the ways in which you can buy this song on (through iTunes or on CD etc) is so that if general people or people of the target audience see this magazine advert and think that they would like to buy the song but are not sure in what way it is being sold, they can thing think about whether they would like the CD or whether they would like the music downloaded onto their phone, computer etc.

At the bottom right hand corner of this magazine advert I have put Tom Odell's official webpage. This is to promote Tom Odell as an artist and not just this song specifically. If people who do not know much about him as an artist or if fans just want to learn more about him they can go on this webpage and look at perhaps other songs he is working on, look at previous songs and tour dates etc. This is good because it may encourage people to buy the tickets for his concerts and therefore he will have more ticket sales and people watching him live. Therefore I think it is important that this is written on the page as then it promotes more than just his upcoming single.

Colours used on the magazine advert

The colours of the magazine advert will be reasonably bright as it is supposed to be a picnic during the day and be a positive setting to support the positive lyrics in the song about him loving his girlfriend and wanting to grow old with her. The artist will be wearing dark colours though as this re-enforces that the genre is Indie Pop as many artists including Tom Odell wear a lot of black/grey/brown. The girl in the photo will be wearing jeans and will have probably have a coat on over her top depending on the weather when the image is taken.

Now that I have designed my initial idea for my magazine advert for the single 'Grow Old with Me' I will need to look at the other member of my groups magazine advert idea and together we will design the final magazine advert taking different aspects from each initial magazine advert.

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