Saturday 5 September 2015

Explanation of music video remake and the impact the remake will have on my own music video

I am remaking part of the music video 'Hit Me Baby One More Time'. This is to give me practise of organising for a music video and how to use the cameras and editing for a music video. Most importantly it will help me to try and link the lip syncing in each shot to the music. This is important so that when I make my own music video I can ensure the background music and the lip syncing are in sync.

For my remake I will be remaking between 21 seconds to 36 seconds in of the music video 'Hit Me Baby One More Time' by Britney Spears. Within this part of the music video Britney Spears is lip syncing the lyrics to her song. She is also dancing down a school corridor with lockers and background dancers. There are different shot and angles to each shot. The problems I might face when remaking this music video is that the actors I will have in the music video will probably not own a school uniform anymore and therefore costumes may not be exactly the same as in the video. In our school location we do not have any lockers which may also be a problem as during the section we are remaking there are a few shots where lockers are necessity.

Other problems we may face when doing a remake of this video is that because I have never had to edit a video so that the music and lip syncing are in sync, I may find this difficult however, it will be good practise for when I create my own.

The impact that this remake will have when creating my own music video is that I will find it easier to ensure the lip syncing is in sync when editing the video because I will have tested it before. It will give me the opportunity to use the editing equipment which is good because when I create my own music video, I will be more familiar with the editing software. The impact of the remake on my own music video will also be positive because it gives me the opportunity to film many different shots and angles that I can consider using in my music video. As we need to consider the lighting and mise en scene when filming this video, we can think about how the costume, lighting and all mise will need to link to the song/ lyrics when we film our music video. Overall, it is good to do a remake of a music video because then I have the opportunity to practise my filming and editing skills.

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