Monday 28 September 2015

Brief analysis of a Digipak

Loud - Rihanna

On the front cover of Rihanna's Digipak for her album 'Loud' Rihanna has red hair and red lipstick on. The red shows that this album is going to be sexual as red stands for love, passion and desire. Rihanna is looking down and her shoulder is bare which suggests she is wearing very little or nothing at all and supports that the music is going to be about sex. Inside the digipak there is an image of Rihanna laying over a red rose bush. Red roses stand for love so there may also be songs about love in the album.

 As Rihanna is wearing a white dress on the picture inside the digipak is has connotations that some of the songs may be more about love than sex as white shows innocence. On the actual CDs themselves there are pictures of pink roses, pink carries with it the connotation of grace and elegance, as well as sweetness and poetic romance. This suggests that Rihanna has a good and a bad sight to her when it comes to love and sex and that the songs in the albums are going to be a mix of emotions.

On the front cover of the Digipak the text is in white and has her name 'Rihanna' at the top of it and the album name 'Loud' as the bottom of the album. The text is in capital letters and the font is simple and although is visible it does not stand out very much on the front of the album. This suggests that although the text is not 'Loud' and stands out, the image of Rihanna should do this as the close up allows you to see her emotion. As Rihanna is a very famous artist most people (her target audience) would know the album is hers just because her image is on the front and therefore her name does not need to be very big at the top of the album as her image is mainly what is promoting her as an artist.
When I create my Digipak I can use colour to show a message to the audience of what the songs will be about as Rihanna did in her album 'Loud'. I can also use close ups and facial expression to show connotations of the message behind the music and what music is in the album/ Digipak. It would be good to take ideas from a Digipak such as Rihanna's as it is clear that the way she marketed her album/ Digipak worked well to promote her and her music as in 2012 after only being realised for two years, the album sold over 8 million copies worldwide.

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