Wednesday 30 September 2015

Importance of lip synching and instrument synching

Lip synching and instrument synching are very important when creating music videos. They often need to be done because the music video is filmed at different times and in different locations to where the actual music is recorded in the studio. Lip/ instrument synching can make or break a video so it is important that the artist gets it right and that the editor of the music video edits it well so everything is in sync. If an artist does not open their mouth very much and you cannot see their lips moving, it sometimes looks like they are singing different lyrics and will not look like the artist themselves knows their song very well. If it is out of sync even in the slightest it is obvious that the artist is lip syncing and there will be moments where they are singing the wrong lyric as the wrong time or sometimes their lips may still be moving but there are no words being sung in the music at that moment. Instrument synching is also important, if someone is playing piano or guitar in the music video they need to be playing what is actually being played in the music at that time. This is important because people who play those instruments or have a good knowledge of music will know that the notes being played are not those of what they hear which makes it obvious that the performer is not playing at that precise moment. It is also important that the playing of the piano/ guitar are in time with the music.

An example of when an artist does not open their mouth very wide and it is obvious that they are lip syncing Is in this music video 'Let it Go' by James Bay.

An artist who always has good lip syncing in her music video and opens her mouth wide so it appears she is singing there and then is Taylor Swift. Part of the reason this is believable is because the music video is quite fast so there is not that long for the viewer to look at it and make sure she is holding on notes etc. Slow songs are harder to get the lips in sync and make it look like they are singing it there. An example of a music video by Taylor Swift with good lip syncing is Bad Blood.

If I have someone in my music video that is supposed to look like they are playing an instrument I will make sure they actually know how to play that instrument so that they play the right notes and play in time. I will also ensure they know the song very well and are clearly miming the correct words so that it looks like they are singing at that precise moment. This will be very important to promote the song/ album as if the music video is liked and not laughed at because of bad lip/ instrument synching the album will be more likely to sell and the artist will be promoted.

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