Thursday 1 October 2015

Analysed Lyrics - Will Young - Leave Right Now

Leave Right Now
I'm here just like I said
Though it's breaking every rule I've ever made
My racin' heart is just the same
Why make it strong to break it once again?
And I'd love to say I do, give everythin' to you
But I can never now be true, so I say
I think I better leave right now before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now, feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me how before I fall any deeper
I think I'd better leave right now
I'm here so please explain
Why you're opening up a healing wound again
I'm a little more careful, perhaps it shows
But if I lose the highs at least I'm spared the lows
And I would tremble in your arms, what could be the harm
To feel my spirit calm? So I say
I think I better leave right now before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now, feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me out before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now
I wouldn't know how to say how good it feels seeing you today
I see you've got your smile back, like you say, you're right on track
But you may never know why once bitten twice is shy
If I'm proud perhaps I should explain, I couldn't bear to lose you again
I think I better leave right now before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now, I'm feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me out before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now
Yes, I will
I think I better leave right now, I'm feeling weaker and weaker
Somebody better show me out before I fall any deeper
I think I better leave right now

My Pitch

At the beginning of the music video Will Young is outside his boyfriends door and its dark and wet outside. He sings the lines 'I'm here just like I said....' and sings most of the words to his boyfriend and then says 'I think I better leave right now' and walks from the door and starts walking down the street at night in the rain singing the lyrics. When the lyrics go to 'I'm getting weaker and weaker...' he is sitting on the kitchen floor in his flat heavily drinking as he has a drinking problem now that he is heartbroken'. And then it goes back to him walking in the street. Then when he says 'and I would tremble in your arms' he is on the kitchen floor drinking again and his ex boyfriend walks into the flat as he realises Will is drinking to much at the moment and sits on the floor next to him and takes the alcohol away and holds Will in his arms. Then the audience sees Will Young sing the chorus again playing the piano and then it goes to him and his boyfriend back together doing normal couple things like cooking breakfast together, getting ready for work in the morning, walking down the street together holding hands as he sings the final verse with lyrics such as 'If I'm proud perhaps I should explain, I couldn't bear to lose you again'.

My pitch is totally different to the original music video because in the real music video will young is singing to the camera as if the camera is Will Young's ex partner whereas in mu music video you can see his boyfriend (as there will be an actor). Also my music video idea is shot in many different locations whereas the original is in one place.

Real Music Video - Leave Right now

Why it is helpful to analyse lyrics

It is helpful to analyse lyrics when creating a music video because the lyrics help build up a story in a music video. The lyrics may have a lot of meaning to the artist and can help you understand their emotions and how they are feeling through the lyrics they have wrote. When creating a music video the lyrics often link with the visuals (as said in Goodwin's theory) although are not usually 100% literal (everything said in the lyrics is shown in the visuals). When creating my music video, I will need to look at the lyrics and analyse them to help me decide what I will make the narrative of the music video and what emotion/ mood I will try and portray within the video.

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