Sunday 4 October 2015

Analysis of How Long Will I Love You (Indie Pop Genre)

This music video is of the genre indie pop and Ellie Goulding the artist is of the genre indie pop and pop. In this music video there is a typical narrative of a love story between two young people and this story follows the stereotypical relationship of the a heterosexual couple. In this music video it is expected that there will be a clear narrative due to the genre and that settings will be low budget. Throughout this music video there are intertextual references to the short film 'Tom & Issy' and this is mentioned at the very beginning of the music video. However, there was no intertextual reference to the film 'About Time' which this song was used in. This song 'how long will I love you' does have another music video thought which has many intertextual references to the film 'About Time'.

The storyline (narrative) in this music video is about a young couple who live together. They are in love and mess about together in their spare time, the music video suggests that they dare each other to do silly things and the other one films this on their phone camera of a Nokia Lumia 1020. This is stereotypical for young people to be using technology all the time and for them to be immature as people don't expect you to be mature until you are older and married with kids however it is a little bit unexpected that they are quite so silly as they do have their own house and car which makes you think that they are old enough to have these items so therefore must be in full time jobs, so it is a bit surprising they are quite so immature. By seeing this happen a lot throughout the music video it shows there is a theme of love and immaturity.


The video reflects the lyrics a few times. When Ellie Goulding sings 'Stars are above you' she is sitting in  a low budget setting  studio with fairy lights around her. These fairy lights connote the stars that she is singing about. In this room the wall has pictures of a city in it too. This city looks an expensive place to live so is very different to where she Is filming this video and the house that her character and  partner live in together in this music video but has connotations that she will love him no matter where they live as long as they are on this planet together where the 'stars are above them'.

Another time when the video reflects the lyrics in the visuals is when the lyrics say 'how long will I love you' and in the visuals the audience see shots of her with her boyfriend together and then shots of an old couple kissing in a car park. This couple kissing foreshadows that the answer to her question 'how long will I love you' will be forever and the old couple represent them when they are older and that they will still love each other in years to come. During this music video there are many representations of age. There is a short part in the music video that Ellie Goulding goes and steals superman boxer shorts from someones back garden and then her boyfriend goes and models these boxer shorts in the middle of a street and both times they are recording each other on the phone as they think it is funny, another time is when she goes up and kisses an old man. These are stereotypical representations of age because it shows that because they are young they mess around a lot and do stupid/ silly things that they think are funny and many adults see young adults/ teenagers as immature. There are also non-stereotypical representations of age as well though. This is when the older couple kiss each other in public. This is because young people to not expect to see older people have public displays of affection and see them as less affectionate then youngsters as by this point the couple have probably been together a long time although just because you have been with someone a long time doesn't mean that you don't still love them and this video Is showing exactly this.

For the performance shots In this music video is starts off with Ellie Goulding sitting at an acoustic piano in her lounge. This is stereotypical for this genre of indie pop that she is using an acoustic piano rather than a digital piano because new digital pianos are expensive and do not create such a natural sound. She is then shot in a studio playing on her acoustic guitar and singing. This setting is also stereotypical for an indie pop music video because indie pop music videos are normally in cheaper low budget settings because the record label doesn't have a lot of money for big materialistic sets and also the target audience often like these settings as it is seen as more realistic and a believable narrative. The fact that she plays guitar and piano are also stereotypical generic conventions of this genre of indie pop.

During the narrative shots where she is with her boyfriend etc there is high key lighting to show how happy they are together but whilst she is in the performance shots in the studio there is low key lighting and a black and white effect added. This is to differentiate between what is a narrative and what is a performance shot.  The dark setting of the studio shows what it is like at night too as there is fairy lights for stars. At the beginning of the  music video there is typography before the narrative starts. This is a simple font with black text on a white background. This is so that what is on the background stands out. At the bottom it says 'Shot entirely on a Nokia Lumia 1020'. This is the phone/ camera used within the music video that the couple film everything they do whilst being silly on but is also used to film the entire music video. This is good advertising of the brand for Nokia but also was a phone that did not cost the record label very much and follows the low budget which an indie pop music video often has.

The target audience for this music video I think is boys and girls aged 15-22 . I think this because the music video targets them by showing a love story narrative that this age group can relate to as the couple are young and spend a lot of time together doing silly things that many young couples do. By analysing this music video it has been good for me when planning my music video due to them being the same genre. From this I will look at using low budget settings with a love story narrative.


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