Monday 5 October 2015

Analysis of Pompeii music video (indie pop genre)

The genre of this music video is indie pop and the genre of the artist Bastille is also indie pop. Within this music video there is a negative narrative. This is because it is obvious to the audience that something bad has happened to him and now he is trying to escape it. When he sings 'if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like nothing changed at all?'. This is just like Pompeii, as something very bad happened there however, there is no escaping what has happened as what happened to Pompeii can clearly be seen as it is ruined, and this is what has happened to Bastille. He keeps seeing people with black eyes who have been hurt or have had something bad happened to them and he cant escape seeing what has been destroyed/ has happened to these people.

In the lyrics it says 'and the walls kept tumbling down ' etc and this is making reference to he name of the song Pompeii and the natural disaster which ruined the place. There is low key lighting during this part of the music video that shows the negativity in the video and the narrative. The fact that it is a natural disaster that took place in Pompeii suggests that maybe he thinks what happened in his love life was unavoidable just like that was. At the beginning of the music video the artist is standing on top of a very high wall and he is looking over the city. Mount Vesuvius did this over Pompeii it stood there high and then caused destruction and devastation to all of Pompeii, which suggests this is what he has done to 'the city of love' which he sings about and that he ruined his love life and caused it to break down.

At the beginning of this music video he is in his home which is shown by there being a mattress there. This mattress is ruined and is in a brick room which suggests this is just a temporary home for him to stay and hide in for the time being. The ruined mattress connotes that his bed is no longer complete without his partner there sharing it with him and that he cannot live in a proper home when he is alone. This location looks like an old car park. He then cycles down some old back streets during the rest of the music video and goes into different locations that most towns have like a convenience shop and casino. These settings suit this genre that Bastille is in because they are cheap, low budget settings that are generic conventions within this genre. Also the fact that he cycles a bike and doesn't drive a car goes with the low budget of indie music videos.

The lyrics in the later part of the song say 'how am I going to be an optimist about this?'. An optimist is someone that sees the bright side of a situation. During this point he then goes into high key lighting which is different as in the rest of the music video he has been hiding away in low key lighting. This suggests that he is going to try and see a bright side to the situation he is in which looks like he has possibly broken up with his girlfriend and what good can now come from this. He is at the location of some mountains and a lake at this point in the music video. This follows the genre of indie pop as they are natural locations and therefore low budget settings.

Bastille wear dark clothing throughout the whole of this music video which is a generic convention of indie pop artists. These clothes are simple, black trousers and a denim jacket. The target audience normally likes this about the artist as they are being themselves, wearing clothes they would normally wear and that most people would and are not being materialistic and showing their wealth by wearing designer clothes and clothes people wouldn't wear on a day to day basis. The target audience of this music video would be 18 - 25 I think. This is because it is the stereotypical age range of people who have experienced/ are experiencing going through broken down relationships that are still quite fresh in the mind (not like married adults who will have had this experience but are now  happily married to someone else). This music video would also be appropriate to both genres.

By analysing this music video which is the same genre as the music video I will be creating, it will help with the idea of having a narrative love story. I will also use dark clothing in mine so that the artist suits the genre and looks like other indie pop artists as well as having low budget settings which are a typical convention of an indie pop music video.

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