Saturday 3 October 2015

Initial ideas on genre and audience for your music video


For the genre of my music video my initial idea for the genre that it will be is indie pop. The reason for this is because the generic conventions for indie pop include low budget settings, non materialistic props or clothing therefore there will not be big costumes that you would not wear on a day to day basis for example lady gaga costumes.

This is an example of a costume that lady gaga wears in her music video for 'Bad Romance'. Lady Gaga is of the genre pop and her music videos are very high budget productions. This means it is affordable for the producers of the music video to fund extravagant costumes and unusual locations for the music video to be set.

The fact that indie pop music videos are very low budget is good for my music video because this is a student music video and the budget is not very high. Another reason that indie pop is a good genre for my music video is because there is often a strong narrative in these music videos that is very realistic as set in a natural setting and not on a film set, this is more often then not about love. Therefore I will try and make my music video have a love narrative and have low budget, simple, natural looking settings. Another thing about the genre of indie pop is that within the music video there is often performance, this means that in my music video I will use performance shots of the artist on and instrument either piano or guitar and be lip synching the words of the song I choose. By playing an instrument as well it will support the genre as indie pop often has shots of the artist playing an instrument. The costume within the genre of indie pop if a male is the artist often is quite dark and not that smart, the artist sometimes has their sleeves rolled up to show them being chilled and laidback. The shots used often show emotion so in my music video I could use close ups to show this on their face.

Overall I think that the best genre for my music video would be indie pop because it will be easier for my group to organise locations, settings, props and clothing and this is all simple and low budget but also looks realistic which makes the music video more believable. I also think that it is important for the music video to have a strong narrative as then the audience can relate to the storyline and the lyrics of the song more as they will understand the meaning to the song. The song that I would like to do for my music video is 'Grow Old With Me' by Tom Odell as I think there could be a very strong narrative between a couple and I like that it is a very positive song, as many songs in the charts today are about heartbreak. Tom Odell is also of the genre Indie Pop so the song will suit the music video genre that I have chosen.


The audience for my music video will probably be boys and girls between the age of 17-25. This is because I think this is the age group that are most likely to connect with what is going on in the music video because stereotypically couples are starting to form at this kind of age and people will be in a relationship of have been in a relationship before at this point. This means that they will understand how loved up the couple is in the music video as that's how they feel in their relationship at this point 'the honeymoon period' where couples have just got together. I think the audience are likely to be heterosexual because the storyline within this music video is about a heterosexual couple, so heterosexual people may prefer to watch this music video and relate to what is going on the music video as my music video will have a lot of stereotypical representations of gender and sexuality for example, the man will wear dark clothes and the girl may wear more colourful clothes, the man will propose as this is most expected in society etc.

The majority of people that will watch my music video will probably be girls as stereotypically females are more into love stories within music videos than men as men are often not seen as sensitive and into watching love stories for example society often would expect a man to pick an action film over a romance film. The characters that will be in my music video will be in their early-mid twenties and therefore the upper end of the target audience in age (21-25) will watch this music video because they are of the same time in the life cycle and may be in a relationship and the people at the younger age of the target audience (17-20) will probably watch this music video as they would like the narrative of my music video to be them in a few years time as it is very positive.

Overall my initial idea of what I expect the target audience to be is boys and girls (mainly girls) of the ages between and including 17 and 25 as I think these people are stereotypically more likely to watch a music video that has a very strong love narrative about two people in their early-mid twenties, by promoting this music video to people of this age it will promote the song and artist as well as many people of this age are more likely to share the music video on social media for their friends to watch than people who are a lot older.

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