Thursday 15 October 2015

Notes on real media texts I may take inspiration from

Lofelive - we are young

One music video that I may take inspiration from when creating my music video is an indie music video by Lofelive called 'we are young'. The reason I like this music video and think it would be good to take inspiration from is because it is very positive and does not have a negative love narrative to it which many music videos do. Another reason I like this music video is because there are shots of the old couple when they are old at present in 2070 and then there are many shots of them also when they are younger roughly in their early 20s in 2015. Although in my music video I would like them to start young and then see them older (opposite order to this film) I like how this music video does this and how some of the shots are identical to the other shots but the actors are old in these shots and young in the replicated shots.  For example there is a shot of them holding hands when they are old and then the same shot but with their hands young afterwards, showing that they are just as in love when they are old as they are when they are young. This is the kind of message that I would like my music video to have and be positive about their relationship lasting forever because love does.

There are many shots of them doing the same thing as a couple when they are young and when they are old, this supports the name of the song being 'we are young' as it shows even though they are old now they can still act young and be how they were when they were young. I like the fact that this music video links what happens in the music video to the title of the song. In my music video I would like to do this too. As my song I have chosen is called 'Grow Old With Me' I would like to show the couple from when they are young growing old together.

The last thing from this music video that I may take inspiration from is that the music video has a photo frame of a photo when the couple are young in it inside the house of the old couples house. In my music video I would like to have a photo of the couple who have grown old together looking young in one shot and then realising that this photo frame is in their house when they are old.

James Bay - Hold Back The River

James bay is of the indie genre. I particularly like this music video of James Bay's because it is a performance video and often in indie music videos there is a lot of performance. During the clip the shots are in high key lighting which is good because you can see what James Bay is lip synching and the instrument he is playing. I would like to take inspiration from this video by using high key lighting when my artist performs in the music video so it is clear what he is singing and also would like to have many performance shots so that my music video suits the genre. Although James Bay plays the guitar I am not sure yet whether my artist will play guitar or piano however I think with the song I have chosen the artist will probably play the piano and as in most of Tom Odell's music videos he plays the piano it may suit the indie pop generic conventions more as James Bay is Indie Rock.

In this music video I also like the fact that James Bay is wearing a shirt with rolled up sleeves and his clothing is dark. This is a common convention that is used within the indie music videos. In my music video during the performance shots I may get my actor to have his sleeves rolled up and have dark clothing. There are many different shots from different angles within this music video which I would like to ensure I have in my music video as it shows variety. Although I like there performance shots in this music video, I would like my music video to have a narrative and some performance shots as 'Hold Back The River' is 100% performance.

Jamie Lawson, Wasn't expecting that

Jamie Lawson is a British singer-songwriter who was the first artist signed by Ed Sheeran to his new label called Gingerbread Man Records. During the music video for his song called 'Wasn't Expecting That' there is a love narrative which run throughout the whole video. The very beginning few shots and that last couple of shots are in the same place. Although in this music video it is in hospital and is a sad beginning and end, for my music video I am considering having the beginning and end filmed in the same place. This may be in the dining room of a house in our music video as we are considering having the couple at a romantic meal and then finishing the music video with him proposing to her. I also like that there are shots of them at different ages throughout the music video. This music video starts with old and shows them getting younger. After seeing this in this music video I will consider using this idea in my music video but show them getting older.

I like that it shows the different stages of their lives. Another reason I like this music video is because all the settings are basic, low-budget, realistic settings that are in everyday life and they are not materialistic at all which makes this narrative very believable which means that audience members can relate to the storyline more. I would like to be able to do this in my music video, so that the audience really follow the narrative. Although the older people in the music video are not the same actors as the people who play the younger version of the characters, It is good because the actors look similar so it appears to the audience that they are the same people and again it is believable, this is very important when I create my music video, so that if I have older people acting the same role of the younger people, they must have similar characteristics e.g. if the woman is blonde young, she must be blonde in her older years (unless she is grey/white because she is really old).

By looking at these successful music videos it will help me take inspiration from things that work well within these music videos which I could include in mine, this is could because it will give me more ideas that I can work with when planning my music video.

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