Wednesday 9 September 2015

Music video - own textual analysis - If I were a boy

The music video for 'If were a boy' is of the genre Pop and the song is a slow ballad. Beyoncé herself sings songs of the genres Pop, R&B and Soul. The narrative of this song does have a beginning, middle and end. At the beginning of the music video the audience assumes that Beyoncé is getting too close to her work partner and this could led to her cheating on her actual partner. In the middle of the music video this idea is developed where Beyoncé decline phone calls of her partner etc. At the end of the music video there is a point where her partner repeats what she has said and the audience realises that it is her partner that is coming close to cheating on her and the reason the shots make it look like it was her being bad at the beginning is because it goes with her lyrics 'if I were a boy' so it shows that she was acting like her boyfriend.

In this music video it is expected that it is actually the boyfriend who has emotionally hurt the character Beyoncé is playing because the lyrics suggest that she treat a girl better if she were a guy 'If I were a boy, I think I could understand, How it feels to love a girl, I swear I’d be a better man'. It is not expected in this music video that at the beginning she will be acting the way that she would not like to be treated because at this point in the music video it is not clear that it is actually the other way round and her boyfriend is treating her like that.

In this music video there is a recognisable structure of TODOROV however not all 5 stages are in the music video. There are the first three stages for example at the beginning there is a state of equilibrium because the couple are sitting down eating breakfast, then there is a disruption where in the club the partner witnesses Beyoncé with another man (although it connotes that it is really him with another girl) and then the third stage where the disruption is recognised and he says 'when you act like that I don't think you realise how it makes me look or feel'.

In this music video there are recognisable characters including a couple in a relationship and someone who inter fears with their relationship. The video reflects the lyrics because for example in the first verse Beyoncé sings 'If I were a boy, Even just for a day, I’d roll outta bed in the morning, And throw on what I wanted and go' and at the start of the video when Beyoncé re-enacts exactly how her boyfriend treats her she wakes up, gets into her police uniform and goes.

The dominant and only colours used in this music video is black and white. This is connote the negativity of the song and how her partner isn't treating her the way she should be treated. There is typography of the number plate of a car saying New York, this tells the viewer that the music video is set in New York. In this music video there are many close up shots to show the emotions of the characters and how it emotionally hurts when their partner cheats on them or spends more time with another person than them. This music video negatively represents men and suggests that they don't know how to treat a girl right/ how a girl wants to be treated. This is stereotypical because many girls believe that boys are 'players'/ break girls hearts even though in reality both boys and girls do this.

In this music video the editing is quite slow and the cuts are not fast paced. This is because the song a reasonably slow ballad and does not have a fast feel to it, therefore the shots match what is being sung with the slow pace. The target audience of this music video is mainly young adults in their early to mid twenties. This is because the song is targeting people that have experienced heartbreak, or their partner cheating on them and tries to make the audience relate to how Beyoncés character is feeling, which may also make the viewer feel quite emotional. The demographics of the target audience is probably in the social grade C as they are not students without a job or very low paid manual workers, but have probably not been in a full time job for very long so are not in a high up/ paid job as they are only in their early twenties.

After analysing this music video it will help me with my own music video as I will consider typography, linking the shots to the actual lyrics of the song, using a recognisable structure of TODOROV or GOODWIN and ensure that I make my music video target the target audience well.

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