Sunday 27 September 2015

Purpose of a digipak

A Digipak is a type of packaging for CDs, typically made from cardboard with an internal plastic holder for one or more discs. The main purpose of a digipak is for an artist/ band to promote an album and show everyone the content that is on the album as well as promoting themselves as an artist/ band. A Digipak is also to make the CD eye-catching because it will encourage the sales of their digipak. It is also to use the corporate identity of the artist/ band as a reoccurring theme (if the artist has something that is re-occurring on each of their digipaks, the artist will be recognised for it and people will know whose Digipak they are buying by this theme). A digipak tells the buyer something about the musician and can be used to express a message though art and images. Digipaks often store additional promotional materials e.g. sleeves within the digipaks could include booklets and posters.

It is important when I create my digipak that I used appropriate images that promote the artist and album and that the text on the front of the digipak suits the genre of music and the artist themselves. I will need to ensure the font and colour is suitable. I may try and express a message through the use of images for example if the artist is very happy with bright colours on their digipak it is likely to tell the audience that the album is very positive and full of happy music but if the digipak has a sad image then the music may be about something sad such as heartbreak.  

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